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Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary™ Set

This Abstract Syntax Notation (ASN.1) File is the precise sourcecode used for SAE International Standard J2735. As part of aninternational treaty, all US ITS standards are expressed in"ASN.1 syntax". ASN.1 Syntax is used to define themessages or "ASN specifications". Using the ASN.1specification, a compiler tool produces the ASN library which willthen be used to produce encodings (The J2735 message set uses UPERencoding). The library is a set of many separate files thatcollectively implement the encoding and decoding of the standard.The library is then used by any application (along with theadditional logic of that application) to manage the messages. Thechosen ASN tool is used to produce a new copy of the library whenchanges are made, and it is then linked to the final applicationbeing developed. The ASN library manages many of the detailsassociated with ASN syntax, allowing for subtle manipulation tomake the best advantage of the encoding style.

The J2735 Standard specifies a message set, and its data framesand data elements, specifically for use by applications intended toutilize the 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications forWireless Access in Vehicular Environments (DSRC/WAVE, referencedsimply as "DSRC") communications systems. The ASN.1integrates software for validation of telecommunications andnetworking. Although the scope of this Standard is focused on DSRC,this message set, and its data frames and data elements, have beendesigned, to the extent possible, to be of potential use forapplications that may be deployed in conjunction with otherwireless communications technologies as well. This Standardtherefore specifies the definitive message structure and encodingand provides sufficient background information to allow readers toproperly interpret the message definitions from the point of viewof an application developer implementing the messages according tothe DSRC Standards.

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