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SAE J2847/2_201504

Communication Between Plug-In Vehicles and Off-Board DC Chargers
This SAE Recommended Practice SAE J2847-2 establishes requirements and specifications for communication between Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) and the DC Off-board charger. Where relevant, this document notes, but does not formally specify, interactions between the vehicle and vehicle operator. This document applies to the off-board DC charger for conductive charging, which supplies DC current to the Rechargable Energy Storage System (RESS) of the electric vehicle through a SAE J1772™ coupler. Communications will be on the SAE J1772 Pilot line for PLC communication. The details of PowerLine Communications (PLC) are found in SAE J2931/4. The specification supports DC energy transfer via Forward Power Flow (FPF) from source to vehicle. SAE has published multiple documents relating to PEV and vehicle-to-grid interfaces. The various document series are listed below, with a brief explanation of each. Figure 1.1 shows the sequencing of these documents and their primary function (e.g., the J2836 and J2847/1 documents start with Smart Charging, J2836 and J2847/2 then adds DC charging, etc.). The intent is to have subsequent slash sheets complement each other as more functions and features are included. The /6 series of documents add wireless charging items not already included in the proceeding slash sheets. These are all then included in Interoperability in SAE J2953 and security in SAE J2931/7. J3072 then includes the PEV to grid requirements for Vehicle to Grid (V2G) power and communication to match J2836/3 Use Cases. The summary of documents for DC Charging is then as follows:
  1. SAE J1772™ is the PEV to EVSE systems document and includes the system and timing diagrams for DC Charging
  2. SAE J2836/2™ starts with the Use Cases for DC Charging communications
  3. SAE J2847/2 then transforms these Use Case requirements into the signals and messages
  4. SAE J2931/1 is where the Protocol requirements are placed for all PEV communications
  5. SAE J2931/4 is used for the PLC communication requirements for DC Charging since it is only a wired median
  6. SAE J2953/1 is the Interoperability requirements
  7. SAE J2953/2 is the Interoperability procedure and plan
  8. SAE J2931/7 includes the security
Charge couplers
Hybrid electric vehicles
Communication protocols
Off-board vehicle charging systems