Standard Test Method for Determination of Static Dissipater Additives (SDA) in Aviation Turbine Fuel and Middle Distillate Fuels<span class='unicode'>—;</span>High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) Method— 6 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Sulfur in Light Hydrocarbons, Spark Ignition Engine Fuel, Diesel Engine Fuel, and Engine Oil by Ultraviolet Fluorescence— 11 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Types in Aviation Fuels and Petroleum Distillates—;High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method with Refractive Index Detection— 6 стр.
Standard Test Method for Determining Water Separation Characteristics of Kerosine-Type Aviation Turbine Fuels Containing Additives by Portable Separometer— 15 стр.