Air Quality - Certification of automated dust arrestment plant monitors for use on stationary sources - Performance criteria and test procedures; German version EN 15859:2010— 41 стр.
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 23: Sectional specification - Fixed surface mount metallized polyethylene naphthalate film dielectric DC capacitors (IEC 60384-23:2015); German version EN 60384-23:2015— 32 стр.
Electrical relays - Part 21: Vibration, shock, bump and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment; section 3: Seismic tests (IEC 60255-21-3:1993); German version EN 60255-21-3:1995— 11 стр.
Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 7: Measurement of performance characteristics of hearing aids for production, supply and delivery quality assurance purposes (IEC 60118-7:2005); German version EN 60118-7:2005— 24 стр.
Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues - Part 1: Measuring equipment with analogue and digital output (IEC 61987-1:2006); German version EN 61987-1:2007— 52 стр.
Test methods for electrical materials, printed boards and other interconnection structures and assemblies - Part 5-2: General test methods for materials and assemblies - Soldering flux for printed board assemblies (IEC 61189-5-2:2015); German version EN 61189-5-2:2015— 44 стр.
Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 8: Methods of measurement of performance characteristics of hearing aids under simulated in situ working conditions (IEC 60118-8:2005); German version EN 60118-8:2005— 34 стр.
Surface mounting technology - Part 1: Standard method for the specification of surface mounting components (SMDs) (IEC 61760-1:2006); German version EN 61760-1:2006— 31 стр.
Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests methods; test Ff: Vibration, time-history method (IEC 60068-2-57:1989); German version EN 60068-2-57:1993— 15 стр.
Environmental testing - Part 2-81: Tests - Test Ei: Shock - Shock response spectrum synthesis (IEC 60068-2-81:2003); German version EN 60068-2-81:2003— 41 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 111-9: Sealed closures for category S - Subterranean (IEC 61753-111-9:2009); German version EN 61753-111-9:2010— 28 стр.
Surface mounting technology - Part 3: Standard method for the specification of components for Through Hole Reflow (THR) soldering (IEC 61760-3:2010); German version EN 61760-3:2010— 26 стр.
Environmental testing - Part 4: Information for specification writers - Test summaries (IEC 60068-4:1987 + A1:1992 + A2:1994); German version EN 60068-4:1996— 85 стр.
Liquid crystal display devices - Part 10-1: Environmental, endurance and mechanical test methods - Mechanical (IEC 61747-10-1:2013); German version EN 61747-10-1:2013— 14 стр.
Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 - Part 2: Seismic tests for cabinets and racks (IEC 61587-2:2000); German version EN 61587-2:2001— 13 стр.
Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 4: Generic specification for MEMS (IEC 62047-4:2008); German version EN 62047-4:2010— 22 стр.
Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for non-automated measurement type (ISO 81060-1:2007); German version EN ISO 81060-1:2012— 50 стр.
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 19: Sectional specification - Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric surface mount d.c. capacitors (IEC 60384-19:2015); German version EN 60384-19:2015— 32 стр.
Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 0: Measurement of the performance characteristics of hearing aids (IEC 60118-0:2015); German version EN 60118-0:2015— 38 стр.
Test methods for electrical materials, printed boards and other interconnection structures and assemblies - Part 5-1: General test methods for materials and assemblies - Guidance for printed board assemblies (IEC 61189-5-1:2016); German version EN 61189-5-1:2016— 27 стр.
Industrial-process measurement, control and automation - Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment - Part 5: Assessment of system dependability (IEC 61069-5:2016); German version EN 61069-5:2016— 38 стр.
Industrial-process measurement, control and automation - Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment - Part 4: Assessment of system performance (IEC 61069-4:2016); German version EN 61069-4:2016— 35 стр.
Fibre optic sensors - Part 1-1: Strain measurement - Strain sensors based on fibre Bragg gratings (IEC 61757-1-1:2016); German version EN 61757-1-1:2017— 54 стр.
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 17: Sectional specification - Fixed metallized polypropylene film dielectric AC and pulse capacitors (IEC 60384-17:2019); German version EN IEC 60384-17:2019— 47 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 111-8: Sealed closures for category G - Ground (IEC 61753-111-8:2009); German version EN 61753-111-8:2010— 27 стр.