Soil quality - Determination of content of hydrocarbon in the range C<(Index)10> to C<(Index)40> by gas chromatography (ISO 16703:2004); German version FprEN ISO 16703:2011— 24 стр.
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; general information (group A); calibration of analytical methods, evaluation of analytical results and linear calibration functions used to determine the performance characteristics of analytical methods (A 51)— 16 стр.
Water quality - Determination of hydrocarbon oil index - Part 2: Method using solvent extraction and gas chromatography (ISO 9377-2:2000); German version EN ISO 9377-2:2000— 24 стр.
Soil quality - Gas chromatographic determination of the content of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons - Purge-and-trap method with thermal desorption (ISO/DIS 15009:2010)
Soil quality - Determination of content of hydrocarbon in the range C<(Index)10> to C<(Index)40> by gas chromatography (ISO 16703:2004); German version FprEN ISO 16703:2011— 24 стр.
Soil quality - Determination of content of hydrocarbon in the range C<(Index)10> to C<(Index)40> by gas chromatography (ISO 16703:2004); German version EN ISO 16703:2011— 24 стр.
Soil quality - Determination of content of hydrocarbon in the range C<(Index)10> to C<(Index)40> by gas chromatography (ISO 16703:2004); German version FprEN ISO 16703:2011— 24 стр.