Specification for the installation of LPG systems for habitation purposes in leisure accommodation vehicles and accommodation purposes in other vehicles; German version EN 1949:2011+A1:2013— 41 стр.
Thermal performance of buildings and building components - Physical quantities and definitions (ISO/DIS 7345:2017); German and English version prEN ISO 7345:2017
Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravans - Part 1: Habitation requirements relating to health and safety; German version EN 1645-1:2004+A1:2008— 48 стр.
Leisure accommodation vehicles - 12 V direct current extra low voltage electrical installations - Part 1: Caravans; German version EN 1648-1:2012— 22 стр.
Leisure accommodation vehicles - 12 V direct current extra low voltage electrical installations - Part 1: Caravans; German version EN 1648-1:2004— 19 стр.
Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravans - Part 1: Habitation requirements relating to health and safety; German version EN 1645-1:2004+A1:2008— 48 стр.
Specification for the installation of LPG systems for habitation purposes in leisure accommodation vehicles and accommodation purposes in other vehicles; German version EN 1949:2011— 40 стр.
Railway applications - Design for PRM use - General requirements - Part 3: Optical and friction characteristics; German version EN 16584-3:2017— 23 стр.