This European Standard specifies requirements, dimensions and tolerances for pipes and fittings of
longitudinally welded, stainless steel pipe with spigot and socket used for vacuum drainage systems inside
and outside buildings and for gravity and vacuum drainage systems on ships and floating maritime
above freeboard deck as long as the heeling is taken into account in the event of damage when installed
above freeboard deck on passenger ships;
inside a watertight compartment below freeboard deck;
with direct connection to the outboard (not permitted below freeboard deck);
inside tanks as long as these are not filled with foreign media and are not cargo tanks.
On well-anchored maritime structures, this European Standard applies to pipes and fittings of longitudinally
welded stainless steel pipe with spigot and socket used in drainage systems in the accommodation area.
NOTE Pipes and fittings according to this European Standard may also be used in central vacuum cleaning
installations, in vacuum suction lifting installations, in chip transporting installations and in other waste water and process
pipes as long as the media to be discharged do not damage the components or the health and safety of the personnel.
For other pipes, this European Standard only applies if agreed with the relevant operators and following prior
consultation with the manufacturer.
This European Standard contains a designation system for the different types of pipes and fittings for easy
identification of each component.
This European Standard is only applicable in conjunction with EN 1124-1. It does not apply to the marking of
products for which EN 1124-1/A1 is applicable.
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