Transportable gas cylinders - Refillable welded steel gas cylinders - Design and construction - Part 1: Carbon steel; German version EN 13322-1:2003 + A1:2006— 48 стр.
Transportable gas cylinders - Refillable welded steel gas cylinders - Design and construction - Part 1: Carbon steel; German version EN 13322-1:2003 + A1:2006— 49 стр.
Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 1: Steel flanges; German version EN 1092-1:2018— 151 стр.
Protective clothing against solid airborne particles including radioactive contamination - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for compressed air line ventilated protective clothing, protecting the body and the respiratory tract; German version EN 1073-1:2016 + AC:2016— 39 стр.