Каталог стандартов

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ÖNORM EN 13655:2003-01

Plastics - Mulching thermoplastic films for use in agriculture and horticulture
This standard is applicable to transparent films, transparent clear and diffusing films (thermic) and black or
black/white films based on polyethylene and its copolymers, which are designed to be used for mulching the
vegetable, fruit and flower crops.
This standard is intended to establish the basic requirements for the optical and mechanical characteristics of
various types of film.
From a detailed consideration of the different mulching plastics films used in agriculture and horticulture in the
European market, different types of film are considered:
- transparent films (normal)
- transparent clear and diffusing films (thermic)
- black and black/white films
The range of thicknesses considered is from 10 m up to 250 m.
Diese Norm behandelt transparente Folien, transparente klare und diffuse Folien (thermisch) und schwarze oder schwarz/weiße Folien auf der Basis von Polyethylen und seiner Copolymere, die zum Einsatz als Mulchfolien für Gemüse, Obst und Blumen bestimmt sind. Die Norm legt die grundlegenden Anforderungen an die physikalischen und mechanischen Merkmale verschiedener Folientypen fest.
65.020.01 Farming and forestry in general / Земледелие и лесоводство в целом
83.140.10 Films. Including plates / Пленки и листы. Включая пластины