Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by triple start threaded ring - Flush contacts - Part 001: Technical specification
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by triple start threaded ring - Flush contacts - Part 002: Specification of performance and contact arrangements
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by triple start threaded ring - Flush contacts - Part 101: Optical contact for EN 4641 multimode cable -55 °C to 125 °C - Product standard
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Basic test and measurement procedures. Examinations and measurements. Withdrawal force from a resilient alignment sleeve using gauge pins— 14 стр.
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by triple start threaded ring - Flush contacts - Part 001: Technical specification
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by triple start threaded ring - Flush contacts - Part 001: Technical specification
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by triple start threaded ring - Flush contacts - Part 005: Plug - Product standard
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by triple start threaded ring - Flush contacts - Part 101: Optical contact for EN 4641 multimode cable -55 °C to 125 °C - Product standard
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by triple start threaded ring - Flush contacts - Part 003: Square flange receptacle - Product standard
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by triple start threaded ring - Flush contacts - Part 004: Jam nut receptacle - Product standard
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by triple start threaded ring - Flush contacts - Part 901: Filler plugs - Product standard
Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, circular, single and multipin, coupled by triple start threades ring - Flush contacts - Part 201: Optical contact for EN 4641 singlemode cable -55 °C to 125 °C - Product standard