Каталог стандартов

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ÖNORM EN 675:1998-03

Glass in building - Determination of thermal transmittance (U value) - Heat flow meter method
This European Standard specifies a measurement procedure to determine the thermal transmittance of glazing with flat and parallel surfaces. Structured surfaces, e.g. patterned glass, may be
considered to be flat. This European Standard appfies to multiple glazing with outer panes which are not transparent to far infrared radiation, which is the case for soda lime silicate glass praducts (called hereafter soda lime glass), borosilicate glass and glass ceramics. Interna1 elements can be far infrared transparent.
The procedure specified in this European Standard determines the U value (thermal transmittance) in the central area of glazing. The edge effects due to the thermal bridge through the spacer of a sealed glazing unit or through the window frame are not included.
Furthermore energy transfer due to solar radiation is not taken into account. The document for the calculation of the overall U value of windows, doors and shutters (see A. 1) gives normative reference to the U value evaluated for the glazing components according to this
standard. For the purposes of product comparison, a vertical position of the glazing is specified (see clause 10). U values evaluated according to the present standard are used for product comparison as well as for other purposes, in particular for predicting: heat loss through glazing; conduction heat gains in summer; condensat ion on gfazing surfaces; the effects of the absorbed solar radiation in determining the solar factor (see A.2).
Reference should be made to A.3, A.4 or other European Standards dealing with heat loss calculations for the application of glazing U values determined by this Standard. The determination of the thermal transmittance is perforrned for conditions which correspond to the
average situation for glazing in practice.
Diese ÖNORM EN beschreibt ein Meßverfahren (Verfahren mit geschützter Heizplatte), das zur Bestimmung des Wärmedurchgangskoeffizienten von hermetisch abgeschlossenen Mehrfachverglasungen mit ebenen und parallelen Oberflächen einschließlich Gußglas und Ornamentwalzglas dient. Sie gilt für hermetisch abgeschlossene Mehrfachverglasungen mit äußeren Scheiben, die nicht durchlässig für ferne Infrarotstrahlung sind, was bei normalem Fensterglas der Fall ist. Die inneren Elemente können jedoch durchlässig für ferne Infrarotstrahlung sein. Sie ermöglicht die Bestimmung der U-Werte im mittleren Bereich der Mehrfachverglasung.
81.040.20 Glass in building / Стекло для строительства зданий