Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code print quality test specification - Linear symbols (ISO/IEC 15416:2000)
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code print quality test specification - Two-dimensional symbols (ISO/IEC 15415:2004); English version EN ISO/IEC 15415:2005— 54 стр.
Product package labels for electronic components using bar code and two- dimensional symbologies (IEC 62090:2017); German version EN 62090:2017— 34 стр.
Product package labels for electronic components using bar code and two-dimensional symbologies (IEC 62090:2002); German version EN 62090:2003— 44 стр.
Information technology - Fishery and aquaculture products - Requirements for labelling of distribution units and pallets in the trade of fishery and aquaculture products