This part of IEC 60749 provides a test procedure for defining requirements for testing
packaged semiconductor integrated circuits and discrete semiconductor devices for ionizing
radiation (total dose) effects from a cobalt-60 (60Co) gamma ray source. Other suitable
radiation sources can be used.
There are four tests presented in this procedure:
a) a standard room temperature irradiation test;
b) an irradiation at elevated temperature/cryogenic temperature test;
c) an accelerated annealing test;
d) an enhanced low dose rate sensitivity (ELDRS) test.
The accelerated annealing test estimates how dose rate ionizing radiation effects on devices
is important for low dose rate or certain other applications in which devices can exhibit
significant time-dependent effects. The ELDRS test determines if devices with bipolar linear
components exhibit sensitivity to enhanced radiation-induced damage at low dose rates.
This document addresses only steady-state irradiations, and is not applicable to pulse type
It is intended for military- and aerospace-related applications.
This document can produce severe degradation of the electrical properties of irradiated
devices and thus is considered a destructive test.