Aerospace series - Pipe coupling 8°30<Minute> in titanium alloy - Elbows 90° bulkhead, long, welded end; German and English version EN 4188:2001— 17 стр.
Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices - Part 10: Adhesive coated nonwoven materials of polyolefines - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 868-10:2009— 17 стр.
Safety of machinery - Ergonomics requirements for the design of displays and control actuators - Part 3: Control actuators; German version EN 894-3:2000+A1:2008— 42 стр.
Furniture - Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture - Part 1: Ignition source smouldering cigarette; German version EN 1021-1:2006— 23 стр.
Furniture - Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture - Part 2: Ignition source match flame equivalent; German version EN 1021-2:2006— 24 стр.
Animal tissues and their derivatives utilized in the manufacture of medical devices - Part 1: Analysis and management of risk; German version EN 12442-1:2000— 16 стр.
Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 2: Materials for pressure parts of boilers and accessories; German version EN 12952-2:2011— 39 стр.
Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission (CISPR 14-1:2005 + A1:2008 Cor.:2009 + A2:2011) (english version)
Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 2: Tests; test Ed: Free fall (IEC 60068-2-32:1975 + A1:1982 + A2:1990); German version EN 60068-2-32:1993— 7 стр.
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-11: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral standard: Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment (Corrigendum)
Medical electrical equipment. General requirements for safety, Collateral standard. General requirements for programmable electrical medical systems— 32 стр.
Medical electrical equipment. Particular requirements for safety. Specification for blankets, pads and mattresses intended for heating in medical use— 58 стр.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current <= 16 A per phase) (IEC 61000-3-2:2005 + A1:2008 + A2:2009) (english version)
Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement (CISPR 20:2006) (english version)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current <= 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection (IEC 61000-3-3:2008) (english version)
Mechanical vibration and shock. Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration. Guidelines for the evaluation of the effects of vibration and rotational motion on passengers and crew comfort in fixed-guideway transport systems— 16 стр.
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards (ISO 3740:2000); German version EN ISO 3740:2000— 29 стр.
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Precision methods for reverberation test rooms (ISO 3741:2010); German version EN ISO 3741:2010— 74 стр.
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for small, movable sources in reverberant fields - Part 1: Comparison method for a hard-walled test room (ISO 3743-1:2010); German version EN ISO 3743-1:2010— 48 стр.
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane (ISO 3744:2010)
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Precision methods for anechoic rooms and hemi-anechoic rooms (ISO 3745:2012); German version EN ISO 3745:2012— 78 стр.
Sterilization of medical devices - Validation and routine control of sterilization by irradiation (includes Corrigendum 1:1999 (A1:1999) and Amendment A2:2000); German version EN 552:1994 + Corrigendum 1:1999 (A1:1999) + Amendment A2:2000— 29 стр.
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane (ISO 3746:2010); German version EN ISO 3746:2010— 59 стр.
Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration - Part 1: General requirements (ISO 5349-1:2001); German version EN ISO 5349-1:2001— 27 стр.
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound intensity - Part 3: Precision method for measurement by scanning (ISO 9614-3:2002)
Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions (ISO/DIS 11200:2012); German version prEN ISO 11200:2012
Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane with negligible environmental corrections (ISO 11201:2010); German version EN ISO 11201:2010— 50 стр.
Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions applying approximate environmental corrections (ISO 11202:2010); German version EN ISO 11202:2010— 56 стр.
Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions from the sound power level (ISO 11203:1995); German version EN ISO 11203:2009— 19 стр.
Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions applying accurate environmental corrections (ISO 11204:2010); German version EN ISO 11204:2010— 53 стр.
Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Rules for the drafting and presentation of a noise test code (ISO 12001:1996); German version EN ISO 12001:2009— 32 стр.
Sterilization of medical devices - Requirements for medical devices to be designated "STERILE" - Part 1: Requirements for terminally sterilized medical devices; German version EN 556-1:2001, Corrigenda to DIN EN 556-1:2002-03; German version EN 556-1:2001/AC:2006— 2 стр.
Safety of machinery - Temperatures of touchable surfaces - Ergonomics data to establish temperature limit values for hot surfaces (includes Corrigendum AC:1994 and Amendment A1:1999); German version EN 563:1994 + AC:1994 + A1:1999— 18 стр.
Walking aids manipulated by both arms - Requirements and test methods - Part 3: Walking tables (ISO 11199-3:2005); German version EN ISO 11199-3:2005— 32 стр.
Assistive products for walking manipulated by one arm - Requirements and test methods - Part 1: Elbow crutches (ISO 11334-1:2007); German version EN ISO 11334-1:2007— 22 стр.