Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 6: Laboratory performance test (ISO 12944-6:1998); German version EN ISO 12944-6:1998— 19 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids - Part 2: Water immersion methods (ISO 2812-2:1993); German version EN ISO 2812-2:1994— 5 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humid atmospheres containing sulfur dioxide (ISO 3231:1993); German version EN ISO 3231:1997— 10 стр.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 1: Specifications and definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces (ISO 8503-1:1988); German version EN ISO 8503-1:1995— 9 стр.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 2: Method for the grading of surface profile of abrasive blast-cleaned steel; comparator procedure (ISO 8503-2:1988); German version EN ISO 8503-2:1995— 7 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 1: General introduction (ISO 12944-1:1998); German version EN ISO 12944-1:1998— 10 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 2: Classification of environments (ISO 12944-2:1998); German version EN ISO 12944-2:1998— 13 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 4: Types of surface and surface preparation (ISO 12944-4:1998); German version EN ISO 12944-4:1998— 30 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 5: Protective paint systems (ISO 12944-5:1998); German version EN ISO 12944-5:1998— 24 стр.
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore production installations - Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (ISO/DIS 15138:2017); English version prEN ISO 15138:2017
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids - Part 2: Water immersion method (ISO/DIS 2812-2:2017); German and English version prEN ISO 2812-2:2017
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering (ISO 4628-2:2016)
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 3: Assessment of degree of rusting (ISO 4628-3:2016); German version EN ISO 4628-3:2016— 23 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 4: Assessment of degree of cracking (ISO 4628-4:2016)
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 5: Assessment of degree of flaking (ISO 4628-5:2016); German version EN ISO 4628-5:2016— 14 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 2: Condensation (in-cabinet exposure with heated water reservoir) (ISO 6270-2:2017)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings (ISO 8501-1:2007); German version EN ISO 8501-1:2007— 102 стр.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 1: Specifications and definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces (ISO 8503-1:2012)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 2: Method for the grading of surface profile of abrasive blast-cleaned steel - Comparator procedure (ISO 8503-2:2012); German version EN ISO 8503-2:2012— 12 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 2: Classification of environments (ISO 12944-2:2017); German version EN ISO 12944-2:2017
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 4: Types of surface and surface preparation (ISO 12944-4:2017); German version EN ISO 12944-4:2017
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 5: Protective paint systems (ISO 12944-5:2018); German version EN ISO 12944-5:2018— 39 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 10: Assessment of degree of filiform corrosion (ISO 4628-10:2016, corrected version 2016-06-01)
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of defects on coated surfaces using optical imaging - Part 1: General guidance (ISO 21227-1:2003); German version EN ISO 21227-1:2003— 14 стр.
Steel tubes for onshore and offshore water pipelines - Internal liquid applied epoxy linings for corrosion protection; German version EN 10339:2007— 17 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 5: Protective paint systems (ISO 12944-5:1998); German version EN ISO 12944-5:1998— 24 стр.
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Guidelines for selection of protection methods against atmospheric corrosion (ISO 11303:2002); German version EN ISO 11303:2008— 12 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to cathodic disbonding of coatings exposed to sea water (ISO 15711:2003); German version EN ISO 15711:2004— 22 стр.
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating - Part 1: Pull-off testing (ISO 16276-1:2007); German version EN ISO 16276-1:2007— 15 стр.
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating - Part 2: Cross-cut testing and X-cut testing (ISO 16276-2:2007); German version EN ISO 16276-2:2007— 15 стр.
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Work on back-ventilated curtain walling— 17 стр.
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Work on back-ventilated curtain walling— 17 стр.
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Work on back-ventilated curtain walling— 17 стр.
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Corrosion protection of steel structures— 11 стр.
Thermal spraying - Zinc, aluminium and their alloys - Part 2: Execution of corrosion protection systems (ISO 2063-2:2017); German version EN ISO 2063-2:2017— 52 стр.
Paints, varnishes and coatings - Corrosion protection of supporting thin-walled building components made of steel - Part 2: Surveillance and certification requirements— 16 стр.
Paints, varnishes and coatings - Corrosion protection of supporting thin-walled building components made of steel - Part 1: Requirements and test methods— 42 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 8: Development of specifications for new work and maintenance (ISO 12944-8:1998); German version EN ISO 12944-8:1998— 40 стр.
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Work on back-ventilated curtain walling— 17 стр.
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Corrosion protection of steel structures— 14 стр.
Thermal spraying - Zinc, aluminium and their alloys - Part 1: Design considerations and quality requirements for corrosion protection systems (ISO 2063-1:2017); German version EN ISO 2063-1:2017— 42 стр.
Thermal spraying - Zinc, aluminium and and their alloys - Part 1: Design considerations and quality requirements for corrosion protection systems (ISO/FDIS 2063-1:2018); German and English version prEN ISO 2063-1:2018— 42 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by powder coating systems - Assessment of powder coating systems and execution of coating— 16 стр.