Gas welding equipment - Pressure regulators and pressure regulators with flow-metering devices for gas cylinders used in welding, cutting and allied processes up to 300 bar (30 MPa) (ISO 2503:2009 + Amd 1:2015) (consolidated version)
LPG equipment and accessories - Essential operational dimensions for LPG cylinder valve outlet and associated equipment connections; German version EN 15202:2006— 45 стр.
Pressure regulators, automatic change-over devices, having a maximum regulated pressure of 4 bar, with a maximum capacity of 150kg/h, associated safety devices and adaptors for butane, propane, and their mixtures; German version EN 16129:2013— 147 стр.
Gas welding equipment - Specification for hose assemblies for equipment for welding, cutting and allied processes; German version EN 1256:2006— 20 стр.
Gas welding equipment - Pressure regulators for gas cylinders used in welding, cutting and allied processes up to 200 bar; German version EN 585:1994— 14 стр.
Gas welding equipment - Specification for hose assemblies for equipment for welding, cutting and allied processes; German version EN 1256:2006— 20 стр.
Gas welding equipment - Oxygen/fuel gas blowpipes (cutting machine type) of cylindrical barrel - Type of construction, general specifications and test methods; German version EN 874:1995— 15 стр.
Gas welding equipment - Equipment used in gas welding, cutting and allied processes, safety devices for fuel gases and oxygen or compressed air - General specifications, requirements and tests; German version EN 730:1995— 11 стр.
Gas welding equipment - Integrated flowmeter regulators used on cylinders for welding, cutting and allied processes - Classification, specification and tests; German version EN 13918:2003— 16 стр.
Low-pressure, non adjustable regulators having a maximum outlet pressure of less than or equal to 200 mbar, with a capacity of less than or equal to 4 kg/h, and their associated safety devices for butane, propane or their mixtures; German version EN 12864:2001 + A1:2003 + A2:2005— 130 стр.
Low-pressure, non adjustable regulators having a maximum outlet pressure of less than or equal to 200 mbar, with a capacity of less than or equal to 4 kg/h, and their associated safety devices for butane, propane or their mixtures; German version EN 12864:2001 + A1:2003— 122 стр.
Gas welding equipment - Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting - Specifications and tests (ISO 5172:2006 + Amd 1:2012); German version EN ISO 5172:2006 + A1:2012— 58 стр.
Rubber and plastic hoses for liquefied petroleum gas - Part 5: Safety couplings and couplings for hose assemblies to withdraw liquefied petroleum gas out of pipeline systems - Safety requirements, testing and marking— 12 стр.