Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Examinations and tests - Part 50: Design rules, calculations, examinations and tests of lift components— 103 стр.
Cranes - General design - Part 3-2: Limit states and proof of competence of wire ropes in reeving systems; German and English version EN 13001-3-2:2014/prA1:2017
Rotating electrical machines -- Part 18-42: Partial discharge resistant electrical insulation systems (Type II) used in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage converters - Qualification tests (IEC 60034-18-42:2017) (english version)
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane (ISO 3744:2010)
Hydraulic fluid power - General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 4413:2010); German version EN ISO 4413:2010— 57 стр.
Pneumatic fluid power - General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 4414:2010); German version EN ISO 4414:2010— 45 стр.
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Removal of corrosion products from corrosion test specimens (ISO/DIS 8407:2020); German and English version prEN ISO 8407:2020
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosivity of atmospheres - Guiding values for the corrosivity categories (ISO 9224:2012); German version EN ISO 9224:2012— 20 стр.
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosivity of atmospheres - Measurement of environmental parameters affecting corrosivity of atmospheres (ISO 9225:2012); German version EN ISO 9225:2012— 28 стр.
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosivity of atmospheres - Determination of corrosion rate of standard specimens for the evaluation of corrosivity (ISO 9226:2012); German version EN ISO 9226:2012— 10 стр.
Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane with negligible environmental corrections (ISO 11201:2010); German version EN ISO 11201:2010— 50 стр.
Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment - Part 2: Introduction to the physics of low-noise design (ISO/TR 11688-2:1998); German version EN ISO 11688-2:2000— 30 стр.
Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Methods for the assessment of human responses to contact with surfaces - Part 1: Hot surfaces (ISO 13732-1:2006)
Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design (ISO/DIS 13849-1:2020); German and English version prEN ISO 13849-1:2020
Explosive atmospheres - Part 37: Non-electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres - Non-electrical type of protection constructional safety ''c'', control of ignition sources ''b'', liquid immersion ''k'' (ISO 80079-37:2016)
International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Electrical and electronic measurements and measuring instruments - Part 311: General terms relating to measurements - Part 312: General terms relating to electrical measurements - Part 313: Types of electrical measuring instruments - Part 314: Specific terms according to the type of instrument— 257 стр.
International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter 603: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - Power systems planning and management— 56 стр.