Railway aplications - Methods for calculation of stopping and slowing distances and immobilisation braking - Part 2: Step by step calculations for train sets or single vehicles; German version EN 14531-2:2015— 37 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Noise barriers and related devices acting on airborne sound propagation - Non-acoustic performance - Part 2-2: Mechanical performance under dynamic loadings caused by passing trains - Calculation method; German version EN 16727-2-2:2016— 25 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Safety protection on the track during work - Part 2-2: Common solutions and technology - Requirements for barriers; German version EN 16704-2-2:2016— 32 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Safety protection on the track during work - Part 2-1: Common solutions and technologies - Technical requirements for Track Warning Systems (TWS); German version EN 16704-2-1:2016— 32 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction and maintenance machines - Part 1: Technical requirements for running; German version EN 14033-1:2017— 121 стр.
Railway applications - Methods for calculation of stopping and slowing distances and immobilization braking - Part 1: General algorithms utilizing mean value calculation for train sets or single vehicles