Devices to prevent pollution by backflow of potable water - In-line anti-vacuum valves DN 8 to DN 80 - Family D, type A; German version EN 14451:2005— 23 стр.
Devices to prevent pollution by backflow of potable water - Hose Union anti-vacuum valves - DN 15 to DN 25 inclusive Family H, type B and type D - General technical specification; German version EN 15096:2008— 24 стр.
Devices to prevent pollution by backflow of potable water - Hose Union anti-vacuum valves - DN 15 to DN 25 inclusive Family H, type B and type D - General technical specification
Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 1: Fittings with ends for capillary soldering or capillary brazing to copper tubes; German version EN 1254-1:1998— 23 стр.
Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 5: Fittings with short ends for capillary brazing to copper tubes; German version EN 1254-5:1998— 21 стр.
Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 2: Fittings with compression ends for use with copper tubes; German version EN 1254-2:1998— 22 стр.
Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 8: Fittings with press ends for use with plastics and multilayer pipes; German version EN 1254-8:2012— 26 стр.