Bio-based products - Bio-based content - Part 1: Determination of the bio-based content using the radiocarbon analysis and elemental analysis; German version EN 16785-1:2015— 26 стр.
Stationary source emissions - Determination of the ratio of biomass (biogenic) and fossil-derived carbon dioxide - Radiocarbon sampling and determination (ISO 13833:2013)
Wood and wood-based products - Calculation of the biogenic carbon content of wood and conversion to carbon dioxide; German version EN 16449:2014— 10 стр.
Standard Practice for Collection of Integrated Samples for the Speciation of Biomass (Biogenic) and Fossil-Derived Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Stationary Emissions Sources— 4 стр.
Standard Guide for Sampling and Reporting of Results for Determination of Biobased Content of Materials via Carbon Isotope Analysis (Withdrawn 2013)— 4 стр.
Standard Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content of Natural Range Materials Using Radiocarbon and Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Analysis— 10 стр.
Steel and iron - Determination of total carbon and sulfur content - Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (routine method) (ISO 15350:2000); German version EN ISO 15350:2010— 31 стр.
Bio-based products - Bio-based carbon content - Determination of the bio-based carbon content using the radiocarbon method; German version EN 16640:2017— 36 стр.
Bio-based products - Bio-based carbon content - Determination of the bio-based carbon content using the radiocarbon method; German version EN 16640:2017— 37 стр.