Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. Welding procedure test. Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys— 38 стр.
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 2: Unbonded flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine applications (ISO 13628-2:2006 + Cor 1:2009) (consolidated version)
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 10: Specification for bonded flexible pipe (ISO 13628-10:2005)
Simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen - Part 2: Pressure vessels for air braking and auxiliary systems for motor vehicles and their trailers
Simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen - Part 3: Steel pressure vessels designed for air braking equipment and auxiliary pneumatic .......(abbreviated)
Separator systems for light liquids (e.g. oil and petrol) - Part 1: Principles of product design, performance and testing, marking and quality control (consolidated version)
Cryogenic vessels - Transportable vacuum insulated vessels of not more than 1000 litres volume - Part 2: Design, fabrication, inspection and testing (consolidated version)