Railway applications - Track - Demountable machines and associated equipment - Part 2: General safety requirements; German version EN 15955-2:2013— 66 стр.
Preventive fire protection in railway vehicles - Part 2: Fire behaviour and fire side effects of materials and parts - Classification, requirements and test methods— 57 стр.
Mobile elevating work platforms - Design calculations - Stability criteria - Construction - Safety - Examinations and tests; German version EN 280:2001+A2:2009, Corrigendum to DIN EN 280:2010-02— 2 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction and maintenance machines - Part 1: Technical requirements for running; German version EN 14033-1:2011— 78 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Trailers and associated equipment - Part 1: Technical requirements for running and working; German version EN 15954-1:2013— 54 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Demountable machines and associated equipment - Part 1: Technical requirements for running and working; German version EN 15955-1:2013— 55 стр.
Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 100: Amendments to Part 2, Part 3 and Part 5 (EN 28662-2/A2:2001, EN 28662-3/A2:2001 und EN 28662-5/A2:2001)— 2 стр.
Earth-moving machinery - Physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space envelope (ISO 3411:2007); German version EN ISO 3411:2007, Corrigendum to DIN EN ISO 3411:2007-11— 2 стр.
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane (ISO 3744:2010)
Pneumatic fluid power - General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 4414:2010); German version EN ISO 4414:2010— 45 стр.
Earth-moving machinery and tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Seat index point (ISO 5353:1995); German version EN ISO 5353:1998— 8 стр.
Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane with negligible environmental corrections (ISO 11201:2010); German version EN ISO 11201:2010— 50 стр.
Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment - Part 2: Introduction to the physics of low-noise design (ISO/TR 11688-2:1998); German version EN ISO 11688-2:2000— 30 стр.
Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Rules for the drafting and presentation of a noise test code (ISO 12001:1996); German version EN ISO 12001:2009— 32 стр.
Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment and risk reduction (ISO 12100:2010); German version EN ISO 12100:2010, Corrigendum to DIN EN ISO 12100:2011-03— 2 стр.
Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Methods for the assessment of human responses to contact with surfaces - Part 1: Hot surfaces (ISO 13732-1:2006)
Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design (ISO 13849-1:2006 + Cor 1:2009) (consolidated version)
Safety of machinery - Emergency stop - Principles for design (ISO 13850:2006); German version EN ISO 13850:2008, Corrigendum to DIN EN ISO 13850:2008-09— 2 стр.
Safety of machinery - Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body (ISO 13855:2010); German version EN ISO 13855:2010— 49 стр.
Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 2: Working platforms and walkways - Amendment 1 (ISO 14122-2:2001/Amd 1:2010); German version EN ISO 14122-2:2001/A1:2010— 7 стр.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). General. Methodology for the achievement of functional safety of electrical and electronic systems including equipment with regard to electromagnetic phenomena— 88 стр.
Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels (ISO 3864-2:2004), Corrigendum to DIN ISO 3864-2:2008-07— 2 стр.
Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 3: Design principles for graphical symbols for use in safety signs (ISO 3864-3:2012)— 33 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Trailers and associated equipment - Part 1: Technical requirements for running and working; German version EN 15954-1:2013— 54 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Trailers and associated equipment - Part 1: Technical requirements for running and working; German version EN 15954-1:2013— 54 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Safety protection on the track during work - Part 1: Railway risks and common principles for protection of fixed and mobile work sites; German version EN 16704-1:2016— 92 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction and maintenance machines - Part 3: General safety requirements; German version EN 14033-3:2017— 68 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction and maintenance machines - Part 2: Technical requirements for travelling and working; German version EN 14033-2:2017— 82 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction and maintenance machines - Part 1: Technical requirements for running; German version EN 14033-1:2017— 121 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction and maintenance machines - Part 4: Technical requirements for running, travelling and working on urban rail; German version EN 14033-4:2019— 26 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Safety protection on the track during work - Part 1: Railway risks and common principles for protection of fixed and mobile work sites; German version EN 16704-1:2016— 92 стр.
Railway applications - Line categories for managing the interface between load limits of vehicles and infrastructure; German version EN 15528:2015— 111 стр.