BS ISO 17075-3. Leather. Chemical determination of chromium(VI) content in leather. Part 3. Thermal pre-ageing of leather and determination of hexavalent chromium— 14 стр.
Leather. Chemical tests for the determination of certain azo colorants in dyed leathers. Determination of certain aromatic amines derived from azo colorants— 24 стр.
BS EN 17134. Textiles and textile products. Critical substances potentially present in components of textile product materials. Determination of certain preservatives, method using liquid chromatography— 10 стр.
Leather. Chemical determination of chromium(VI) content in leather. Thermal pre-ageing of leather and determination of hexavalent chromium. Part 3: Thermal pre-ageing of leather and determination of hexavalent chromium— 14 стр.
Leather. Chemical tests. Determination of tetrachlorophenol-, trichlorophenol-, dichlorophenol-, monochlorophenol-isomers and pentachlorophenol content— 18 стр.
Leather. Organic fluorine. Determination of non-volatile compounds by extraction method using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry detector (LC-MS/MS)— 28 стр.
Leather - Chemical tests for the determination of certain azo colorants in dyed leathers - Part 1: Determination of certain aromatic amines derived from azo colorants (ISO 17234-1:2015)
Leather - Chemical determination of formaldehyde content - Part 2: Method using colorimetric analysis (ISO 17226-2:2008 + Cor 1:2009) (consolidated version)
Leather - Chemical determination of chromic oxide content - Part 4: Quantification by inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) (ISO 5398-4:2007)
Leather - Chemical determination of the preservative (TCMTB, PCMC, OPP, OIT) content in leather by liquid chromatography - Part 1: Acetonitrile extraction method (ISO 13365-1:2020)
Leather - Chemical determination of the preservative (TCMTB, PCMC, OPP, OIT) content in leather by liquid chromatography - Part 2: Artificial perspiration extraction method (ISO 13365-2:2020)
Leather - Chemical tests for the determination of certain azo colorants in dyed leathers - Part 1: Determination of certain aromatic amines derived from azo colorants (ISO 17234-1:2020)
Leather - Chemical tests for the determination of certain azo colorants in dyed leathers - Part 2: Determination of 4-aminoazobenzene (ISO 17234-2:2011)
Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of tetrachlorophenol-, trichlorophenol-, dichlorophenol-, monochlorophenol-isomers and pentachlorophenol content (ISO 17070:2015)
Leather - Determination of chlorinated hydrocarbons in leather - Part 2: Chromatographic method for middle-chain chlorinated paraffins (MCCPs) (ISO 18219-2:2021)
Leather - Determination of chlorinated hydrocarbons in leather - Part 1: Chromatographic method for short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) (ISO 18219-1:2021)
Leather - Organic fluorine - Part 1: Determination of non-volatile compounds by extraction method using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry detector (LC-MS/MS) (ISO 23702-1:2018)