Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by boiling acids, boiling neutral liquids and/or their vapours— 26 стр.
Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by boiling acids, boiling neutral liquids, alkaline liquids and/or their vapours— 28 стр.
Water quality. Determination of selected plant treatment agents and biocide products. Method using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)— 48 стр.
Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by acids at room temperature— 16 стр.
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Polymeric coatings on paper and board. Guide to the selection of conditions and test methods for overall migration— 30 стр.
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates. Determination of the resistance to wear by abrasion from studded tyres. Nordic test— 16 стр.
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Plastics. Alternative test methods to migration into fatty food simulants by rapid extraction into iso-octane and/or 95 % ethanol— 20 стр.
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Plastics. Test methods for 'substitute tests' for overall migration from plastics intended to come into contact with fatty foodstuffs using test media iso-octane and 95% ethanol— 24 стр.
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Plastics. Test methods for overall migration into mixtures of C-labelled synthetic triglycerides— 60 стр.
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Plastics substances subject to limitation. Determination of monoethylene glycol and diethylene glycol in food simulants— 20 стр.
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Plastics substances subject to limitation. Determination of terephthalic acid in food simulants— 18 стр.
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Plastics substances subject to limitation. Guide to test methods for the specific migration of substances from plastics to foods and food simulants and the determination of substances in plastics and the selection of conditions of exposure to food simulants— 68 стр.
Hydraulic fluid power. Determination of the particulate contamination level of a liquid sample by automatic particle counting using the light-extinction principle— 40 стр.
Methods of test for petroleum and its products, Petroleum products. Determination of aluminium and silicon in fuel oils. Inductively coupled plasma emission and atomic absorption spectroscopy methods— 12 стр.
Methods of test for petroleum and its products, Petroleum products. Determination of water separability of petroleum oils and synthetic fluids— 10 стр.
Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 2: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by boiling acids, boiling neutral liquids and/or their vapours (ISO 28706-2:2008)
Vitreous and porcelain enamels for aluminium - Determination of the adhesion of enamels on aluminium under the action of electrolytic solution (spall test) (ISO 13805:1999)
Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 1: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by acids at room temperature (ISO 28706-1:2008)
Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 2: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by boiling acids, boiling neutral liquids, alkaline liquids and/or their vapours (ISO 28706-2:2017)
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 2: Determination of terephthalic acid in food simulants
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 1: Guide to test methods for the specific migration of substances from plastics to foods and food simulants and the determination of substances in plastics and the selection of conditions of exposure to food simulants
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 7: Determination of monoethylene glycol and diethylene glycol in food simulants
Petroleum and related products from natural or synthetic sources - Determination of distillation characteristics at atmospheric pressure (ISO 3405:2019)