Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 1: Choice of fixed means of access between two levels (ISO 14122-1:2001 + Amd 1:2010) (consolidated version)
Textile machinery - Safety requirements - Part 1: Common requirements (ISO 11111-1:2009); German version EN ISO 11111-1:2009, Corrigendum to DIN EN ISO 11111-1:2009-12— 2 стр.
Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails (ISO 14122-3:2001); German version EN ISO 14122-3:2001— 18 стр.
Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 2: Working platforms and walkways (ISO 14122-2:2016); German version EN ISO 14122-2:2016— 25 стр.
Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 2: Working platforms and walkways (ISO 14122-2:2001); German version EN ISO 14122-2:2001— 11 стр.
Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 4: Fixed ladders (ISO 14122-4:2004 + Amd 1:2010); German version EN ISO 14122-4:2004 + A1:2010— 40 стр.
Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails (ISO 14122-3:2016); German version EN ISO 14122-3:2016— 34 стр.
Plastics and rubber machines - Size reduction machines - Part 4: Safety requirements for agglomerators; German version EN 12012-4:2006+A1:2008— 22 стр.
Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 1: Choice of fixed means of access between two levels (ISO 14122-1:2001 + Amd 1:2010) (consolidated version)
Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety and EMC requirements for the equipment for the storage of bulk materials in silos, bunkers, bins and hoppers
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 6: Stationary and mobile equipment for the manufacture of precast reinforced products
Safety of machinery - Equipment for power driven parking of motor vehicles - Safety and EMC requirements for design, manufacturing, erection and commissioning stages
Specification for the design and manufacture of site built, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed, above ground, welded, steel tanks for the storage of liquids at ambient temperature and above
Continuous handling equipment and systems - Safety and EMC requirements for fixed belt conveyors for bulk materials; German version EN 620:2002+A1:2010— 61 стр.
Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for the design and construction of paper making and finishing machines - Part 4: Pulpers and their loading facilities; German version EN 1034-4:2005+A1:2009— 23 стр.
Machines and installations for the exploitation and processing of natural stone - Safety - Requirements for diamond wire saws; German version EN 15163:2017— 73 стр.